Welcome, I'm so glad you're here!
As a Human Resources Professional, I have always been intrigued with human behavior. When coaching came on the scene in the mid-nineties, I was an early adopter and quickly knew this exciting profession was my calling. .
Since beginning this journey, I have coached, been coached; mentored, been mentored; trained, been trained as I continued in my pursuit of excellence in my profession. After a successful corporate career in the public and private sectors, I worked as an independent Human Resources consultant where I specialized in career and leadership development, succession planning, customized training development and delivery.
In 2009, I launched Christian Coach Institute (CCI), LLC, an ICF-Accredited Coach Training school where I am Founder and President. My role is to train coaches to be knowledgeable and professional while keeping God at the center of their life and coaching business. I have trained, mentored, and certified hundreds of coaches to be effective coaches. My 2019 book entitled, Called to Coach, featured the journey of more than 50 gifted and talented coaches who graduated from CCI and are now living their calling.
And as a lifelong learner, I know I will continue to grow and share with you so that you grow too! Always moving forward, and looking upward.
My favorite quote is from Erma Bombeck,
“When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, ‘I used everything you gave me.’”
It is my heart’s desire to be able to say the same.
My Certifications
My passion inspired me to earn multiple certifications and credentials, including:
President, Founder and Master Coach Trainer
- Christian Coach Institute
Professional Certified Coach
- International Coach Federation
Board Certified Coach
- Center for Credentialing and Education
Certified Professional Christian Coach
- Christian Coaches Network International
Certified Mentor Coach
- inviteChange
Certified Master Masteries Coach
- International Association of Coaches
Gallup Certified Strengths Coach
- Gallup
Certified MasterMind Executive Coach
- Executive Coaching University
Professional Coach
- CoachU
Keys to Breakthrough Coaching Masterclass (Enhanced Practitioner)
- Marcia Reynolds
Conversational Intelligence Enhanced Skills Practitioner
- Judith Glaser
Commissioned Stephens Minister
- Stephen Ministries
Licensed Master DISC Train-the-Trainer
- Dr. Mels Carbonell
Kind Words
Janice LaVore-Fletcher